Lærings- og vurderingsaktiviteter
Assessment This category can be used for inspiration, discussion about and sharing of assessment activities. Community SALSA Community (fellesskap) is any learning context where learners can connect and establish relations with peers. Building a learning community gives students the opportunity to broaden their learning experience. Group Collaboration SALSA Group Collaboration (gruppe samarbeid) is any learning situation where two or more persons learn together. Emne- og undervisningsdesign Del ditt undervisningsdesign, egne idéer og erfaringer med valg av studentaktiviteter og vurderingsformer, og diskuter ulike tilnærminger til emnedesign og -planlegging med andre. Plenary SALSA Plenary (plenum) activities are characterised by sharing information in a one-to-many setting. Plenary learning activities can take place in different learning arenas, both #online #on-campus or #off-campus (e.g. field excursions). Skills Practice SALSA Skills Practice (ferdighetstrening) is based on hands-on experience and observation and involves ‘real-life’ training and authentic performance. Individual SALSA Individual (individuell) activities encompasses the personal learning arena, physically and digitally.